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6 Tips for Dealing with Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that develop around the anus. They can cause itching, a burning sensation, pain, or bleeding, especially during defecation. Anyone can develop hemorrhoids, but pregnant women are at higher risk especially in the third trimester as a result of pressure from the increasing weight of the developing fetus and uterus on the pelvis; however, it may gradually resolve after delivery. 

The following tips are useful to prevent or take care of hemorrhoids: 

  • Ease Pressure: Don’t stand or sit for a long time. It puts pressure on the veins in your lower body. When you do sit, use a pillow under your bottom. A rocking chair or recliner may be more comfortable. Here are a few other positioning tips.
  • Keep Moving: If you have to sit for long periods, make sure you walk around every hour or so.
  • Prevent constipation by eating high-fiber foods (whole-grain breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables, and beans) and drink plenty of water. A glass of fresh juice may also help.
  • Do Pelvic Floor Exercises: These strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and help to ease hemorrhoids. Here’s how to do pelvic floor exercises.
  • Sleep Right: Sleeping on your side with your legs tucked toward your head can lower your chances of getting hemorrhoids. Also, sleeping on your left side also improves blood flow and delivers nutrients to your baby
  • Talk to your Physician: You should call your doctor if yours bleed or hurts a lot.

We hope that these tips are helpful. Have a lovely pregnancy experience.

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