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Read about How to Take Care of Yourself After Delivery

woman just delivered of her baby

Even after your pregnancy, it is important to take care of your physical and mental health. Be sure to stay in contact with your doctor or midwife, and follow the steps below to maintain a healthy post-birth lifestyle.

Take one Vitamin A capsule shortly after delivery, and another Vitamin A capsule two days after birth. There should be at least 24 hours between capsules.

Have regular check-ups with your doctor – at least 3 times

– The first week

– The second week, and

– The sixth week

This is to make sure you are recovering well from birth.

– Maintain a balanced diet and consume more than you had during the pregnancy. You need your strength to produce breast milk for your baby.

– Get plenty of rest, sleep as much as you can and stay hydrated.

– Take an iron capsule every day for 40 days after giving birth.

– There may be some vaginal scarring and soreness from the birth, make sure to stay clean and sanitary to prevent infection and additional irritation.

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  1. Great!..this is amazing ,am loving this….its really helpful. thanks.