As an expecting mother, you cannot see your baby physically, and this raises your anxiety especially when you feel like something is wrong.
Sometimes, that feeling in your gut may be right, other times, maybe not.
Whatever the case may be, it is important you know how to monitor your baby’s health from time to time and that is exactly what we are going to show you how to do.
While there are different ways to check your baby’s health, the method you will be learning today will not require:
- You visiting the clinic or hospital to see a doctor, or
- You going to carry out any test of any sort, or
- You needing the help of anyone to carry it out.
Rather, all we need is you and your baby because you both share a special bond no one else can see, know or understand.
As earlier mentioned, you do not need to go to a clinic or hospital to carry out this test, it can be done right at home, while carrying out your regular daily activities, whatever it is you are doing – cooking, doing the laundry, or even laying down to rest.
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