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Physiotherapy in Pregnancy & Beyond: All you Need to Know

We are here for your care

Ask a pregnant woman how she feels and you’ll get a response signifying either absolute happiness or absolute discomfort. During the journey of pregnancy, there seems to be no in-between! While pregnancy is a beautiful phase, it comes with its own share of distress, for instance – back pain. 

Our body produces a hormone known as relaxin. While both men and women form relaxin, this hormone is primarily produced in pregnant women, most significantly during the second trimester. It is responsible for preventing any damage to a woman’s body during childbirth. This hormone helps in the ‘loosening’ of the muscles and ligaments constituting the birth canal to enable a near-seamless delivery. 

However, high levels of relaxin result in the loosening of other ligaments in your body, and not just those of the birth canal. On one hand, relaxin facilitates the flow of blood. On the other hand, it leads to muscle, joint and body pains. This side-effect of relaxin is the fundamental cause of your lower back pain during pregnancy, but the location of your pain can be unique. The transitory loosening during this period of pregnancy can make your muscles and ligaments weak for a long period of time. 

Studies have shown that 50-80% of women are affected by lower back pain during pregnancy. However, there is a simple solution to help you ease your pain – physiotherapy in pregnancy – and that’s why we’re bringing this webinar to our Mamas for free!

Join us for a Live Webinar on Saturday, 26th November, 2022 as we discuss the topic:

Physiotherapy in Pregnancy & Beyond: All you Need to Know

where we will be focusing on postural issues, pains, muscle weakness and disabilities that affect women in pregnancy and post-partum period.

What issues will be addressed by this webinar?

Some common issues in pregnancy that physiotherapy can deal with are:

      • Upper back pain

      • Neck and shoulder pain

      • Sciatica (pain that radiates from lower back through hips and buttocks to the leg)

      • Carpal tunnel syndrome (a condition that causes numbness, tingling, or weakness in your hand)

      • Pelvic girdle pain (pain in front and back of the pelvis)

      • Bladder issues

      • Postural changes during pregnancy

      • Preparation for labour and delivery

    Register for this Free Live Webinar

    Join over 100 Mamas in reserving a seat for this awesome online experience!

    What is the importance of physiotherapy during pregnancy?

    Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is an evidence-based technique that involves the science of movement to promote healing and holistic fitness. It includes a wide array of exercises and massages. The aim of physiotherapy during pregnancy is to help the body deal with issues related to mobility, musculature, circulation and respiration.

    It is important to engage in physiotherapy in pregnancy, but at Mama’s Pride Maternity, we believe that it’s more important to do the exercise safely: more reason why you need to attend this webinar as you will learn how to work-out safely both during pregnancy and after delivery. This webinar promises to be enlightening, see you there!

    Where will this Webinar be held?

    This live event will be hosted in a Facebook group (Mama’s Pride Facebook Community)

    Date: November 26, 2022

    Time: 10am WAT

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, we will be recording the webinar and will post the video recording on the Facebook Group afterwards. We’ll send out an email to all registrants 1-3 business days after the webinar with a link to the video. However, you need to join Mama’s Pride Facebook Community to access the replay.

    The link to the join the Facebook Group where the webinar will be held will be sent to you in a confirmation email once you register. 

    You will need to enter your name and email address to register in the form provided above.

    The webinar will be held on Saturday, 26th November, 2022 by 10:00am GMT +1.00

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