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Read about Exercise and Physical Activities in Pregnancy

When trying to decide on what to do during pregnancy you’ll get many different opinions. Some people will tell you to relax and do as little as possible, others will advise you to get even more active, that now is the best time to start exercising. In truth, it is all about moderation. No one knows your body better than you, and it is best for you to work within your limits while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your baby. 

Below are some guidelines for exercising while pregnant: 

  • Exercise should be low impact. 
  • Allocate 30 minutes a day to exercise. 
  • Do not exercise to the point of breathlessness, fatigue or nausea.  
  • It should be done in a cool, comfortable area.  
  • Prolonged supine posture (lying on back), pressure on the uterus or risk of injury/fall should be avoided.  

If you are healthy and you are not experiencing complications in your pregnancy, continue this level of activity throughout pregnancy, or until it becomes uncomfortable for you to do so.

And if you have the following conditions, please avoid exercise during pregnancy:  

  • Heart or lung disease.  
  • History of recurrent abortions or pre-term delivery.  
  • Vaginal bleeding.  
  • Hypertension during pregnancies. 

As with most things to do with your pregnancy, always talk to your doctor if you are unsure or want some guidance for your specific situation and needs.

Activities that are generally safe during pregnancy, even for beginners, include:

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Jogging – but take it easy
  • Muscle strengthening exercises, including pelvic floor exercises
  • Exercise in water (aquarobics)
  • Yoga, stretching and other floor exercises
  • Pilates
  • Pregnancy exercise classes.

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