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Read About Pregnancy Health

Now that you are pregnant your health is an absolute priority. Your health will directly affect the health of your baby, so make sure to have regular appointments with your doctor and/or midwife. You should follow their guidance throughout your pregnancy to ensure the well-being of you and your baby.

Check the status of your pregnancy as soon as you know you are pregnant with your doctor or midwife. Clinics and health services will guide you towards a healthy pregnancy and birth.

They will collect information about you on your first visit (checking your height and upper arm circumference is important) to better monitor your pregnancy. If you have any questions feel free to discuss them with your doctor.

Have your doctor check your weight every visit, as well your blood pressure and your baby’s growth.
Request your doctor or midwife to give you the Tetanus Toxoid (TT) immunisation shot. This will protect your baby from getting tetanus.

To assist with both your and your baby’s health, take 1 tab of folic acid daily for the 1st month of your pregnancy and then take 1 iron capsule every day for at least 100 days and a tablet of calcium twice daily from the 13th week onward till you are breastfeeding your baby.

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