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Read about Self Care During Pregnancy

Taking care of yourself is always important, but this goes double during your pregnancy. Make sure you follow the points below to ensure a safe and hygienic pregnancy.

-Cleanliness is important. Doctors advise that expectant mother’s shower twice a day. Brushing your teeth twice a day is also important; once after breakfast and again before bed.

Don’t forget to connect with your baby – after four months of pregnancy rub your belly and talk to your baby; this is when they start to hear you!

It is generally safe to have sex during pregnancy, but there are a few things to look out for. Sex during the later stages of pregnancy can occasionally cause Braxton Hicks contractions which, while safe, can be uncomfortable for the expectant mother. There are also special cases where the doctor may advise against sexual intercourse, so make sure to talk to your physician if you are experiencing any problems and about safe methods of intercourse during pregnancy.

Cut back on the amount of heavy work you do during the pregnancy. Your pregnancy can take up a lot of your energy so it is better to rest when you can – lie on your side for an hour each day. To stay safe from mosquitoes use a bed net – sprays and mosquito coils are not recommended.

Exercising While Pregnant

When trying to decide on what to do during pregnancy you’ll get many different opinions. Some people will tell you to relax and do as little as possible, others will advise you to get even more active, that now is the best time to start exercising. In truth, it is all about moderation. No one knows your body better than you, and it is best for you to work within your limits while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your baby. Below are some guidelines for exercising while pregnant: 

  • Exercise should be low impact. 
  • Allocate 30 minutes a day to exercise. 
  • Do not exercise to the point of breathlessness, fatigue or nausea.  
  • It should be done in a cool, comfortable area.  
  • Prolonged supine posture (lying on back), pressure on the uterus or risk of injury/fall should be avoided.  

And if you have the following conditions, please avoid exercise during pregnancy:  

  • Heart or lung disease.  
  • History of recurrent abortions or pre-term delivery.  
  • Vaginal bleeding.  
  • Hypertension during pregnancies

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